How to make it in Crypto

5 min readOct 17, 2021


In Crypto, there are different “made it” levels and several paths to make outsized gains. Some are ethical, while many are very unethical. Here are a few ways to get rich in Crypto:

  • Trading Perps (99% chance you’ll get rekt doing this)
  • Be a VC and invest early into projects (Many are too poor for that)
  • Buy early into low cap (< $10m MC) high-quality projects(complex than it sounds)
  • Create a shitcoin and pull the rug on unsuspecting noobs (you’re not doing crypto right if you’ve not been rugged at least once BTW)
  • Be a hacker (seriously, Mansa Musa is jealous and would kill for this kind of skill, A.K.A Poly Network hacker)
  • Be a dogcoin maximalist. I once watched a wallet that went from four to deep six figures, just aping every dog shitcoin he could see)
We like the dog

But if you’re a pleb like me, there’s a slim chance we can make it to the upper echelon of the crypto metaverse. At this stage, you have no business hodling bitcoin. That ship has sailed and it’s already a boomer tech. What you need to do is play the shitcoin game of musical chairs. Can you get rekt doing this? Absolutely but don’t worry, I’ll handhold you a bit.

The fastest way to get rich in Crypto (No quick way, only pain), especially if you have zero edge, is to search voraciously deep in the etherscan for low cap high-quality projects and go ALL IN. This is where I insert not ‘financial advice,’ but I’m dead serious. Suppose you hate poverty, go all-in into a high-quality project and sit on your hands. There can only be two outcomes, you’re either better off, or you remain poor. Worth the risk if you ask me.

It certainly is wise if you don’t put all your eggs in one basket but say you’re someone who has peanuts to invest and is HUNGRY, I don’t think you have much to lose.

But how do I know this high-quality project will succeed? You don’t, son. Lmao. I mean, it certainly would help if you had plenty of luck. But I’ll give you a few pointers when looking for one.


Several qualities make a project a success, but the most important of all is the team. So first, I’ll recommend checking the team’s passion for the project and observing how they interact with their community on telegram or discord. You should be able to tell how passionate they are by doing that.

Check if the project has diamond hand investors, which you can check on the network explorer (etherscan, ftmscan, polyscan, etc.) and see how often investors are buying or hodling, or dumping their tokens. A high percentage of diamond hand = solid project. High rate of spaghetti hands = shitty project; although an increased number in spaghetti hands doesn’t necessarily mean projects are poor, I feel more comfortable investing alongside diamond hands.

I know this may look weird but check for based shitposters. When I’m in a group and see phrases such as ‘when moon?,’ when lambo?, ‘admin why dump?’, it points to a high low IQ demographic in the group which again doesn’t necessarily make the project bad but if a projects attracts the majority of this kind of people, it must be poor in my opinion.

Always Based

Check for VC bags and token lockups. OH YES! This is important because most VCs are profit maximalists and will not hesitate to pass you their bags when they’re satisfied with their gains or when their token gets unlocked.

VCs are usually open about their holdings, so it should be pretty easy to watch their wallets with a bit of research. I’ll spoon-feed you a few low cap projects I’ve researched that may or may not amount to something in the future. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, OF COURSE!


Unidex is a defi trading meta aggregator terminal. You can place limit orders and leverage trade without ever kycing, and ensure you get the best rate on all your transactions. What is more, you also get 50% of the trading fees the platform collects just by holding its tokens.

You can check them out here.

The team recently moved liquidity to the fantom network, so if you want to buy into it, you’d have to bridge your stables over to fantom network and buy it there. You could use many of the bridges out there or this when you’re ready.

If you have any questions, I’m always happy to help or hop into their Tg or discord and ask for help or any info about the project.

2. Dexmex

Dexmex is a decentralized peer-to-peer leverage trading system or a binary options trading app that is currently refining its trading platform after initially launching sometime around February/March. It now has a market cap of $600k+, which in my opinion, makes it an extremely high-risk play that can pay off big, if I’m right. Here’s their website.

Dexmex has a public GitHub where you can track their development. The product has moved to Matic and the team is in talks with an equity partner to provide capital to the dexmex prediction platform.

There’s also Nyan, spirit, and most FTM projects.

There are also NFTs that you can mint and sell for 2x, 5x, 10x the amount you minted it for. I hear solana is hot but unfortunately, my skills are not proficient in that area, but I’ve friends who have improved their living standards by simply flipping nfts. You can meet some of them HERE.

Our community welcomes you

My point is the whole game is basically on easy mode right now, and I’m afraid this might be the last time we’ll have easy mode money-making opportunity like this as institutional money flows into the system and markets become more efficient, but of course, I might be wrong. New Ponzis get created all the time. I hope you make it anon.

DISCLAIMER: I’m invested in some or all of these projects, which may or may not make some of my views a bit biased, but when you also do your research, you might see the value in them. Nothing is financial advice.




Becoming a better version of myself each day. Evolve with me.